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Everything posted by Move87

  1. I only post as much as possible here to take away as many potential customers as possible in the hope that they will finally fly off the market with their scams. I am aware that my money is lost and that I will not receive any help from askgamblers. But if at least this operator flies off the market, it was worth it to me
  2. These providers are just criminal and cheater. I just cant understand why they get Supports from askgamblers
  3. Yes, it was all direct deposits. The casino hasn't been offering any bonuses other than cashback for a long time. I think because it's rabidi now. I've only cashed out once since I've been playing here and it's been many months
  4. I think with Manipulation and scam is wazamba is at the Front. Every other casino i have been played was Not so extrem like this
  5. It was because they don't want to admit that I deposited more than they took for the calculation. Namely 1100€. After I drew attention to this with screenshots of the deposits, I received no more replies
  6. I'm level 5 VIP and wazamba advertises that you get 15% cashback
  7. To me that just means these people can do whatever they want. They can advertise any amount of cashback and bonuses and if they don't give it out they just take this text and send it to you and you can't do anything. I think the worst thing is that they certainly advertise because you can complain here. None of my complaints have ever worked. No matter how many screenshots I have sent and no matter how much I have written that the casino does not adhere to payment deadlines, games have errors and you are not compensated or too little or how you now receive too little cashback. As a result, such casinos get more customers and fool the customers to no end
  8. After waiting for a week today this Email came: Dear Customer, Thank you for contacting us. We would kindly draw your attention to the following clause in our Terms and Conditions under which we reserve the right to refuse bonuses: 7.3 We reserve the right to refuse a Bonus to any customer, to refuse any bonus of any kind, to cancel participation in any promotion, to permanently or temporarily withdraw any customer or group of customers from the Promotional Program of the Website at our sole and absolute discretion rule out. In the event of any dispute regarding our promotions (including but not limited to eligibility, use, abuse, fair play, calculation of winnings and wagering requirements), the Company's decision will be final and non-negotiable. We hope this email makes it clear for you. Kind regards, Wazamba.com
  9. That is nice but wazamba dont send me the list that I want from them to proof enough for starting a case. So cause of that I am not able to give All Information to askgamblers
  10. This is the original Email from wazamba i recieved after a week waiting for an answer: Dear Customer, Thank you for contacting us. We would kindly draw your attention to the following clause in our Terms and Conditions under which we reserve the right to refuse bonuses: 7.3 We reserve the right to refuse a Bonus to any customer, to refuse any bonus of any kind, to cancel participation in any promotion, to permanently or temporarily withdraw any customer or group of customers from the Promotional Program of the Website at our sole and absolute discretion rule out. In the event of any dispute regarding our promotions (including but not limited to eligibility, use, abuse, fair play, calculation of winnings and wagering requirements), the Company's decision will be final and non-negotiable. We hope this email makes it clear for you. Kind regards, Wazamba.com I only translated it to englisch. I strongly advise anyone interested not to play at this casino or at any other casino from the provider rabidi or araxio. You think you can win here, but you're just being fooled and cheated. Never play there. I received the email because I pointed out to wazamba that too little cashback was credited to me... But regardless of whether it's about a payout or a bonus, you are neither valued as a customer nor taken seriously there and just cheated
  11. As the case has previously been denied due to insufficient evidence, I cannot now resubmit the case. For me, this is a sign that I am not being helped
  12. Thank you for trusting us and using the AskGamblers Casino Complaints Service. Please note that the AskGamblers Complaints Team after due diligence Reviewing your case has determined that another complaint has already been filed under your username with the same issue. Unfortunately, this is considered a violation of the AskGamblers Complaints Policy, Multiple Complaints section relating to the same issue and accordingly it will be denied.
  13. Like i know... The complaint would rejected. Always the same here. You just never get any help here. As if askgamblers were only on the side of the casinos and complaining only to make people feel good and deposit even more into bad casinos like wazamba
  14. Yes. But the last Times every agccs i made was declined cause of Not enough proof. That's why i say i dont understand by All of the problems of customers and the rating for this casino is so Bad that the casino dont get closed. It is Bad for the whole market
  15. I made it always the same way. Earlier i get the whole cashback but since 2-3 month i get Not enough
  16. If the provider were at least so accommodating and gave me a good bonus as compensation, I wouldn't be so angry and wouldn't file a complaint here and wouldn't talk bad about it everywhere, but you can't talk to the support at all. The support is simply the worst I've ever experienced. That's why I'm also looking for the managing director
  17. What really annoys me here is that this casino group is allowed to exist for so long. Maybe just because the provider has changed and they shouldn't really exist anymore, but it should still be possible to take them off the market if nothing improves. With all the things you read about how this provider cheats its customers, I just don't understand that they are still online. In my example, I have paid in over €20,000 since I registered and have paid out €400 so far because I was constantly being fooled and didn't know that you could file complaints here. And then being fooled with a bonus is just too much in my opinion
  18. Normaly i got a little bit from the deposit. But Not enough for 1 spin
  19. With higher vip Level more cashback. Vip Level 5 is the highest. 3-4 weeks ago i deposit 1100€ and get cashback 70€. I contact the vip Support. They say i dont deposit So much. Then i make Screenshots from deposit and send them this. After that I dont get answer. Last week i deposit 250€ and get 10€ cashback. Same again. I got option for ask on monday at the live chat or ich Direct at the vip Manager
  20. I have contact them. Like always no answer. In the Page there is no comment to this. Is this ok for the law that this Information is not written down on the Page?
  21. Can you Tell ne how it is possible to find out who is the General Director from rabidi n.v?
  22. I have done this. Today the second Time. The problem is that they don't answer my request for a list of my cashback. With this list i can proof it. But they Do anything they can for hold back withdrawl and Bonus
  23. I'm level 5 VIP and according to wazamba I get 15% cashback. I deposited over €1500 in the last few deposits and just received €100 cashback. Support, vip support and live chat don't answer or help you. Instead, they threaten to be thrown out of the program because you ask them about it. Why is this casino allowed to remain on the market? Is it because you switched providers to rabidi because araxio had already received a reminder? Such casinos with their scams are destroying the entire market. I wonder how much they bribe so they don't get their license revoked
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