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  1. im a poker player... so I really should only play that.... but other games suck me in hahaha
  2. Unfortunately I discovered crash longgggg before the YouTube videos. im at least 5-10k into it over the last 2-3 years. Ive had hella crazy runs but only cashed out 1 big one when I ran $70-> $3,000 but that's once out of like 50 loads. Aside from a few select other times when I pulled out $500 or so I just loose every single Time hahah.
  3. Thats what I kind of thought. Well I guess its back to gambling 4 me hahah
  4. Hi, I play a crash gambling game a lot, mostly on Moonbust.com and I have found that I can easily multiply my money by 3-10x. But after I do well for a while I always seem to go on a bad downswing for 5-10 hands and I loose my bankroll. Sometimes I can save myself from busting and even continue my run but then eventually, I always seem to bust. I'm wondering, is there a mathematic strategy that can give me the best odds while playing this game? Should I be changing my bet size? My Cash-out multiplier? I seem to have the best luck when I change all these variables often, but is it that just luck or is there a way it can be replicated? appreciate you're thoughts, thanks!
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