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Newbie Gambler (1/8)



  1. I will wait a few more days hoping that the problem is solved. Thanks anyway
  2. No. All mountberg casinos have been impacted ( montecrypto, viggoslots, banzai etc..) I don't think know if they have started to regularize payments because they no longer answer emails.
  3. Withdrawal validated on 16 octobre. Il there has been an implementation of a new payment processor. But I do not know if the problem is solved because they no longer respond to emails.
  4. Withdrawal by bank transfer. I take a long time to answer because I French! Thank Google translation!!
  5. Hello! Since mid-october, some mountberg casinos have been late in paying winnings following the implantation of a new payment processor. To date I am waiting for my payment date 16 from montecrypto which has been validated but not paid and I still do not know where they are because they no longer respond to emails. Thanks
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