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Just wanted to add that the owner of this casino filed for bankruptcy last year and is not supposed to be operating any casinos at this point so anyone playing here is risking their money, I would avoid them and all their sister casinos like 7bit.
Is nobody going to address this website or my issues?
Just wanted to add that they now have a free spins bonus that requires a minimum deposit of 3.2xrp however, if you deposit the 3.2 xrp you won’t recieve the bonus or your funds because the minimum required deposit amount for xrp is still 25 however their bonus doesn’t state that.
Ecduval reacted to a post in a topic: Mbit casino using predatory practices
WWCDINNER started following Mbit casino using predatory practices and Would like some help
Wanted to update that I’ve spoken with the support at mbit again who basically asked me to stop inquiring about getting my money back and that it was lost on the blockchain for being under minimum.. so I checked the block chain myself and found that my deposit was confirmed and successfully recieved by mbit in their wallet that was setup by their payment provider “coinspaid” so they lied to me. wanted to add that over just a couple hours window there were dozens of deposits made by players under the minimum requirement showing in their wallet history, so players are getting ripped off by this place often, they’re doing it to steal money and if you say anything they’re more than happy to see you never come back again, their support staff is well versed in how to seem professional while also being totally arrogan/smug while pointing out that you’re the one who missed their minimum requirements they have posted. They don’t care to see me return as a player which is a huge red flag, most casinos give comps to keep people coming back, they take your money and hope you’ll leave.
That was my review and since this review I’ve spoken with casino support again and not only was I told they wouldn’t do anything about the issue but they lied to me in the process. Tried stating that nobody recieved my deposit due to it being below the minimum and that it was lost on the blockchain…. I’m not slow and as I said I’ve been trading crypto for quite a while so I went to the blockchain and found that my deposit was not only recieved but it was received by mbit. They do in fact use a payment provider but the provider simply set up a wallet for mbit that deposits go straight into, it’s all traceable and publicly available, I don’t know why they’d try and lie about it. their payment provider is “coinspaid” and I’ve reached out to them but haven’t heard back. I know it’s only 50 dollars but it’s out of principle now that I’m doing this, I told my wife about it and she said they’ve got her twice as well she just hadn’t told me. when I looked over a few hours of blockchain transactions for xrp they had over 20 deposits that were under their 25xrp requirement… that’s just over a few hours, can’t imagine what it looks like over a week. People are getting ripped off by this place and yet they have a high rating, that seems wrong.
You’ll sometimes get your deposit. Minimum deposit requirements should be accross the board all the same and should be listed in the fiat currency equivalent end of story, if you have a different minimum based on which coin is being deposited and you list it in the crypto equivalent you’re doing it as a way to get free money, I’ve been trading crypto long enough to know that it doesn’t cost more than a few bucks difference between any of the crypto currencies, if a casino can’t deal with a few bucks because someone is depositing at their casino then they’re likely a shoddy operation to begin with. DISLIKED Deposited 50 dollars worth of xrp and was told I didn’t meet the minimum deposit requirement so I lost my deposit, they’re won’t send it back to me or let me have it to play with.. They have a different minimum deposit requirement for each crypto currency they accept and it’s listed as the crypto value. This is predatory and is a way for them to catch someone missing the requirement so they can get a quick buck. I’ve deposited 20 dollars multiple times in litecoin with no issues, litecoin has a 15 usd minimum requirement, xrp is 75 usd min… ltc has higher fees and takes longer to send/recieve so that makes no sense whatsoever to have that big a discrepancy. They would rather keep 50 bucks that have a returning happy gambler, weird way to go about business but I guess if that’s what they’re about then avoid them. Just return my money, does the house edge not bring enough revenue, you have to keep my money to keep the lights on huh? Sad.
Tried submitting a complaint and was told to write a review, tried writing a review twice and it was rejected both times with the reasoning stating to write a review instead and see if the casino makes things right with me. Starting to feel like I’m wasting my time.
Is there a reason why when I submit a review of mbit it keep getting rejected? I’ve already tried the complaints section and was told to write a review; I write a review and it gets rejected, I’m starting to feel like this place isn’t legit.
Over the last couple years I’ve played off and on at mbit usually depsositing litecoin but decided to start using xrp due to the zero fees for sending and it’s instant transactions. on multiple occasions I had deposited 20-40 usd worth of litecoin without and issue so didn’t think twice when I deposited 50 dollars worth of xrp… well apparently it was an issue. if you’re not familiar with how crypto works, some have high transaction fees and some don’t however as of late most currency has figured out how to keep fees pretty low… when I sent the 50 I paid .0001 usd for the fee. Ltc would’ve been a few dollars to send the same amount. when I didn’t get credited my deposit I inquired with support who said I didn’t meet the minimum deposit threshold so I lose my deposit. Apparently xrp has a 75 usd minimum deposit requirement, but ltc has only a 15 usd requirement. thats backwards from what it should be if they’re actually implementing the minimums due to the fees associated with handling the currency but I don’t believe that’s the issue. what they’re doing is taking advantage of people by not making a blanket minimum deposit requirement listed in the fiat currency equivalent which would be the way a reputable casino would do it. the fact that they say they’re using a payment processor for crypto is fishy to begin with and then supports reasoning for having the minimum requirement is for operational costs and fees. Isnt that what a house edge is for? so when I requested they send my deposit back I was not only told sorry for your luck and that I wouldn’t get it back but the support person kept replying to my emails being condescending and telling me that they just wanted to reach out again and say that they appreciate my feedback. But that I was sol as far as getting my 50 dollars back…. im ok with losing the money fairly should that have happened but im 100% disabled and can’t afford to be straight up stolen from, I thought mbit was one of the good places but after this experience they’ve shown me that a quick 50 bucks is more important to them than having a fairly treated and happy customer. It’s a Pretty straight forward example of what they’re about if you ask me. is there a rep for this casino? I’d like to hear them tell me the same thing support told me, and I’d like to know who they’re using as a crypto payment processor since it should be handled on the chain and seems weird if they do have one.
But they won’t, they say it’s lost because of their payment processor… I just don’t understand how it’s 15 dollar minimum for ltc but 75 for xrp… ltc is more expensive to send on the blockchain… and support says the only reason for the minimum requirement is for the payment processor and other operating costs… but I know it’s so they can show a picture of their terms and keep your money when you mis send the minimum which is different for each crypto type.
I’ve played at mbit casino for years without issue until tonight, I had no idea this was going on and will not be a patron ever again due to this… my issue is their predatory deposit terms, I’ve deposited 20 bucks here and their a few times in ltc, well tonight I deposit 50 dollars of xrp and never received it, when I inquired the support staff said the minimum for xrp is 25 xrp (75 usd) … wait, the minimum for ltc is .14 ltc (15 usd)…. Their claim is that they have a payment provider and that’s their requirement to process the deposits… but xrp is a virtually fee free crypto while ltc is not.. that makes zero sense for it to cost more for a higher fee coin. what they’re doing is blurring the lines and hoping people miss the minimum requirement so that they can steal your money. If they want to have a minimum deposit requirement it needs to be across the board and be listed in a fiat currency so people are able to understand the requirements. To change the deposit requirement based on the crypto used is a shady practice to steal from people which is exactly what happened to me tonight. I requested they return my crypto to me and they refused even though it costs.0001 usd to send the amount I sent. If the minimum isn’t met they just keep it and post a copy of their terms as if that will make me understand and be ok with it. do not gamble here until they implement changes that serve to not ***** over their customers, I have plenty of places to gamble at Ana’s it won’t be here any longer with these practices. I understand the house edge but didn’t think I’d lose before I even got to play, just unacceptable, it’s not like you don’t make enough money already but you have to do what you can to steal from people before they even play? I’m 100% disabled as well so while I wanted to play a bit and was ok if I lost, I not with being stolen from. do the right thing mbit, what youre doing is gross.