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  1. You have listed my complaint against Lucky18 as "unresolved" because Lucky18 did not respond to your communication with them. This casino has ignored me AND you AND failed twice to pay me an earned withdrawal. How can you feature an unscrupulous casino? I thought you were about "fairness" to players! Where is your integrity on this one?
  2. Hi. I submitted my first complaint (against Lucky18) and I don't see it. Others' complaints filed around the same time are showing. Did I do something wrong when I filed? I'm attaching the screen shots of the withdrawal confirmations to this message. Thank you, Linda [email protected] Lucky18 Aug 8 withdrawal confirmation.pdf Lucky18 Sept 2 withdrawal confirmation.pdf
  3. I was websearching how people feel about casinos (like Cool Cat) who delay withdrawals processing hoping the player will be too impatient and unwithdraw the money. I have fallen for this several times. I made it until the 6th business day this last time before Unwithdrawing a thousand bucks...I'm kicking myself AGAIN....Oh well, progress, not perfection. Anyway, I came across AskGamblers during my research and signed up right away. I feel very confident now, knowing that if I have a valid problem in future not only is there a site where I vent about it, but a site that will actually do something to advocate. Fabulous! and THANK YOU!
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