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  1. Yea totally agree with you, because i found that it is quite hard for me to download online casino game on google playstore. I am interested to play a online casino "Mega888" but i totally cannot find it on google play store, only available to download the apk file from others website platform but its kind of scary for me because i am very scare that my phone will got virus because of downloading those untrusted apk file from internet. The download process goes easier for me after i switch to IOS Smart Device, just download it from IOS and also can use scanning software to check on the file before i download it! A better experience for me after i switch to IOS. So "thatmoment9.in" i also recommend you to switch to an IOS device.
  2. I understand the first time deposit will be a confusion for all the online casino players here, by sharing my own gameplay experiences. For the first time deposit i will look on the casino promotion first. For the first scenario, let say if i found there is any specific promotion example like setting up a deposit target to trigger a topup free bonus then i might add on a little more credit to hit the target in order to trigger the promotion free bonus. Some certain platform might provide mobile top up discount to encourage more mobile user to join the casino games. So you might try for that way if you are interested to earn more bonus while topping up your online account. For the second scenario, let's say if there is no free bonus promotion then i might just top up for a hundred to test my luck on that casino games. I will only top up for more if i see there is a chance for me to win more, top up wisely is a very important point and you must make sure that you are able to control yourself, make sure you don too addictive to spend on the specific online casino or else you might lose all your money within a sec. Besides the first time deposit, i might ask you to consider about this. Only topup for certain casino that with high authority. Authority Casino like Livemobile88 or Ali88win will be the example that i suggest you to refer on. You can check a casino's authority in different ways, survey casino player's feedback is one of the useful tools here. Or you can also refer on their topup's testimonial like just to make sure that there are actual casino players who willing to topup on that casino platform. Hope my suggestion might help you here.
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