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Feeshmon last won the day on December 23 2019

Feeshmon had the most liked content!

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Solid Gambler

Solid Gambler (3/8)



  1. Doing fine in the USA. I’ve been cooped up in my house with the fam for about 3 weeks now
  2. Hey everyone! Happy Thursday! This idea came to mind and there is not right or wrong answer of course. But when you play free play (fake money/credits) do you feel that you usually get a big win on that game ? I had a huge win during free play only so I’m curious if people have experienced the same thing.
  3. Welcome Wolf! Thank you for sharing
  4. Oops sorry there Olle! My bad but! If that is the case you guys need to change your system because I’m from the states
  5. There aren’t to many legit online casinos for U.S players. I would suggest BitStarz and oshi. But you can only deposit in bitcoin shhhh other options I used to use are vegas crest, Also Bragon Casino. You have a few options. I would stay away from Rival software casinos since they feel very out of date and buggy. I would also recommend drake casino and Cafe Casino
  6. Maybe they just love bitcoin? Lol
  7. Thank you!! I’ll definitely check it out!!
  8. I appreciate it Olle! Thank you
  9. I know! I’m so bummed I felt so exclusive LOL
  10. Thanks for the support I honestly think it’s because I’m from the states
  11. Information *
  12. So I asked. They said it was from operations that’s all the options they have
  13. Hello everyone sorry for all the new topics but I woke up today to realize that my bitstarz account as been disabled is there any advice that I should do?
  14. Good question. I think its that the games are restricted in my area sadly. I like playing pragmatic slots on social tournament but thats the only place I can find them at
  15. Hi Olle! Sorry for the delay. I feeling it’s because the lack of providers for bitcoin users.
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