I'm going to quote the same answer which I said to Leodubbed and also below i'm going to respond to your view of the situation.
Do you seriously have to check the Online Casinos? Is that really your responsibility? There is a surveillance over the food you buy in the store right? Think about this. Why isn't there a global surveillance which stops this kind of criminals? This is the brilliant business Idea to make people actually believe they could win a Jackpot. The chances are so small anyway to win a Jackpot, that it wouldn't even cross people minds!
I'm not saying every online Casinos are fake, but in my opinion there could be plenty of them doing exactly what i'm saying.
Here i'm also going to respond to your answer.
First of all I want to say one thing, i never mentioned that every online Casinos cheat. I'm saying that I think that most of them do it. Why? If the Jackpot are real in every Casinos wouldn't there be more be like at least 10.000 millionaires winning online Jackpots? They are nearly "payed" every week isn't it? according to the Casinos there are so many new millionaires walking down the streets. They don't even have to prove it anymore ? Just something you need to trust. And yes you are right , a few Casinos actually mentioned their username winning this Mega Moolah's Jackpot. But really think about this... Is that happening in every Online Casinos? No.
Great for the Business man to win the Jackpot, maybe he already owned the Casino and the Newspaper so he could write this brilliant story
My point is here with all due respect that I honestly think the majority of the online Casinos are lying. This is just a software which 95% of the gamblers are so addicted that they just want to take the next spin. They don't even bother anymore to go out and walk into next Casino. They just go online.... You are more likely to win a jackpot if you bet higher hahahaha. Yes sure you are...... You lose 10 times faster that I can guaranteed,,,, And a few times they win the mini Jackpot hahahaha......
Think about this for a second. I'm not trying to be rude in anyway, but this is just my view of the situation. Millions of addicted people playing and some of them loosing their families, taking their own life or at least destroying their finances. That is real justice isn't it? And especially if the Jackpots aren't even for real........
If online Casinos are cheating like I think.... don't you think that their members should be in a lifelong jail? Telling a story that could be the biggest lie you would ever witness.....
Good night mate and I am looking forward to your response.
Best regards