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Everything posted by Ronstar99

  1. Thanks for your response. I agree with what you’ve said about no one complaining/asking these questions to UKGC. When I replied to Cassava regarding my refund (first they said 520gbp then confirmed and apologised for ‘a misunderstanding’ but 98.05gbp was refunded and ‘should be settled in my account within the next 7 business days’) I replied immediately stating that the first amount is a far margin apart and have asked them to again, look into my accounts as I find this bewildering and unbelievable as, it was their company who failed me as a customer hence the refund! I know that they normally reply with ‘5 business working days’ and today (early hours yes but still Friday!) is their ‘last business day to respond’. I also expressed to them in that email that I now feel the need to take this to the UKGC. I’m hoping that they will come back with a realistic figure this time as I have my ‘Thankyou new customer’ emails for 888 under four different Account names. If I do not receive the reply I expect then yes, I WILL be contacting the UKGC. This was not a threat against Cassava, purely facts. Let’s hope that they dig deep and find the correct answers otherwise this could be another Big financial set back for them, misguiding customers etc! I am not shy and will not hold back. Any further info you have to help me along the way would be appreciated
  2. Just typed in online: google: ECOGRA.... they don’t own the co they are a regulated body for them. Maybe they should be investigated as well then?! Also, a member on here mentioned SAR.... can someone enlighten me pls?! I use that terminology at work but I’m sure it’s completely different! Many thanks all, and good luck. Let’s keep each other in the loop
  3. @nickball07 I played various sites (cassava and non) but obviously, if you do self exclude, then I presumed that across their playing platform that you could NOT sign up to another one of their umbrella companies obviously because the self exclusion would be in place, as it’s under the one company. BUT! Like most of us, I have changed player name plus bank cards and also changed email addresses etc...when I initially received the original email from them, I thought ‘Yes, another money making company...blah blah blah’ BUT!! (Again lol) I only logged into this old email account off chance, and the email was only sent a couple of days previous. Then my mind boggled......I remember receiving a ‘threatening’ email from Cassava saying something like: ‘this is the security team, we have noticed that you have signed up, deposited and played on one of our sites when you self excluded yourself. We shall payout your winnings this time but ensure that you do not affliciate yourself with any online site associated with Cassava Enterprises as your account with be closed immediately and no monies refunded’ WELL!..... this was about 4-6yrs ago...life is busy and I seriously can not remember how long ago it was but, I DO remember that email because it made me feel dirty. It made me feel like a cheat! How the ***** was I to know that I’d signed up to the umbrella site??!!! This is EXACTLY where they have failed us. I’ve looked through a couple of my old email accounts to find this email that they may have sent this to but I changed email addresses frequently because of my Gambling etc. But I will investigate it further and try my hardest to find it (unless I deleted it with embarrassment!?!) I honestly can not remember! But we’ll done to you’s guys who have kept all of your deposits/emails etc over the years. I deleted as I was so ashamed of the amounts that I’d lost! Anyway, keep you’s updated.....and keep me posted. Thank you!
  4. I received my reply stating ‘sorry for the misunderstanding but your refund is £98.05’ rather than the 520gbp that they originally stated when they first got in touch with me. I haven’t received any reply as yet, as I replied to them asking for them to look into my account/s again as their original refund (520gbp) was a whole lot different to the actual refund that they said that they had processed (£98.05) I also said that, cassava ent as a company had failed me, hence all of this commotion, and now being told one refund sum, to then receive an email of a completely different sum, was totally misleading and unbelievable. I also stated in my email that I now feel the need to go to the Gambling Commision. I also asked for them to provide proof that they didn’t actually owe me monies, after their ‘misundertanding’.....!!! From receiving their refund confirmation email, I should receive the refund into my, different bank account-as to when I was playing, and to which I provided the new details to them for them to process, on Friday. They said to allow 7 working days....working days?! This is 2017 and everything, especially online!, is open 24/7, is it not?! Anyway, I’m hoping to see the funds in my account over the next few days. I hope all the above helps any/everyone who has responded to mine and others emails. I will give an update when I receive any! Good Luck all! Let’s push this. They failed US ALL! Therefore, we should only receive back, what is owed and not being mugged off in the process!!!
  5. @ kbowie85 and Jzah..... I’ve just signed up after reading your messages and both of your stood out to me. I received the same email, by chance, after having to login to that old email address. I sent numerous emails questioning the refund and I finally sent my details after seeing all of these messages. They originally stated that I was owed 520gbp and after emails back and forth, I received a reply stating that, after sending their apologies for a misunderstanding, that I was only owed a refund of 98.05gbp!!! I took screen shots of both of your responses to other players and replies thanking them for their email response but from their original email containing my refund of 520gbp to actually being sent 98.05gbp is a big difference and that I’d like them to again, look into my accounts as their company failed me and that I feel the need to go to the gambling commission and for them to provide proof that there are no outstanding monies owed to me. This was only yesterday/today. Any advise please? Thanking you in advance
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