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blackjack strategy

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Once I doubled on 20. It was a $500 wager.


It didn't work out in my favour.


Also, of course I didn't mean to do it. But internet lag [my internet seemed fine so I can only assume the server at their end was having trouble] resulted in a delayed click or w/e.


I wasn't given a refund - I guess because I could have hit an Ace. So it's a real brilliant angle-shooting opportunity for me. I lost $100,000 that night. Guess I was cheekily going for a cheating $500. On 20 rather than 19 or 18 or 17 which would make more 'sense'. :rolleyes:


Of course that begs the question of why doesn't every casino code "are you sure you want to double / hit on 20?" as a precautionary measure against misclicks....


The cynic in me thinks it's because sometimes people accidentally double or hit on 20.

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I have hit accidentally on 20 only to get a 7 so you're not the only one.


I think some software have the ability to warn users of bad mistakes but maybe the house does it to make more money or maybe players don't want to be criticized or be made aware of how bad their mistakes are. Try doing that at a real blackjack table, you get guys that will call you an idiot for trying to help them or call you an idiot for making the right play.

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  • 6 months later...

Hi there,


Blackjack is not only a smart casino game to play if you want to reduce the odds against you or even gain the edge over the house, but it's also a smart casino game to play if you want to take full advantage of comps.:wacko: :wacko: :D


Good luck.




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Blackjack basic strategy is based on the mathematics of the game. It has been tested and refined through computer simulations. When it is followed correctly it reduces the house edge to the minimum,which is usually about one-half of a percent. Minor adjustments are made to basic strategy depending on certain rule variations that the different casinos can chose to use. From here www onlineblackjacklist com/ you may get more information on online blackjack strategies.

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  • 1 month later...

Wow @scuter. Did you actually lose that much. when it comes to playing online black jack i have been lucky only a few times. I feel that the designers who make this game program it such that the users mostly lose, but yes simple strategies might work. i am now looking forward to play iPhone Black jack on my Apple phone.

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Wow @scuter. Did you actually lose that much. i have been lucky only a few times. I feel that the designers who make this game program it such that the users mostly lose...


Yeah it's true. Unfortunately. One of maybe 6 days where I destroyed 100k or more in a sick, horrifically sick, daze - which I try very hard not to think about. I never lie, and I don't really get weirdos who think it sounds 'cool' to fabricate big wins or losses. I am honest, and it shames me, but I have a responsibility of sorts.


I'm retarded, as redundant as that admission is. But I'm also brilliant, of course. I didn't inherit the $700,000 or whatever I dumped in depressed, furious rage at the selfish world which infuriated me with the selfishness everywhere. Oh yes, the irony is not lost on me. There are few more selfish acts than petulant burning huge $$, when so many suffer in misery. I was too self-deluded to ever realise, it's a classic example which represents the joke that is humanity. We're sick of the selfishness, and selfishly frustrated over it. lol


But anyway, I was a god HSNL / MSNL HUSH poker player, until the day I crashed through 1mil liquid (a lifelong goal of mine, for which I'd sacrificed almost everything), and realised instantly in horror I had sacrificed my life for a worthless fallacy. In self-loathing and humanity-loathing, I just destroyed $$ for a long time gambling, hardly caring.




But anyway, there's a LOT of dangers to watch out for with online casinos. I was discussing them on forums for awhile, trying to help people, spending a lot of time and effort and exasperation and cash showing them the evidence of what they claimed they required to 'believe' cheating was occurring. lol. To believe that:

- someone who has gone out of their way to be anonymous

- has gone out of their way to be impossible to find

- has gone out of their way to avoid regulation

- or out of their way to be licensed by corrupt regulators like Malta (so corrupt, it's frankly frightening because it would go right to the top, and I'm not just talking about the top of Malta ahem)

- who has gone out of their way to protect against any and all possible attempts to confirm they are fair, or prove they aren't

- who goes out of their way to hide things they cannot possibly even be scared of hiding (unless...of course lol)

- who hires corrupt representatives and shills and liars to pretend to be player "advocates" (and I proved every single player advocate in this industry corrupt, in irrefutable ways, entrapping their black as ***** hearts - and I trapped them good)

- a casino who entraps every single person who ever markets them (via Rev Share) with the dilemma of being forced to continue to lie to customers...or give up large revenues they're owed because they're too stupid to see they were walking into marketing hijack (and I'm not even talking about the 90% of affiliates who have hearts as black as *****, who would smile and sleaze all over you, and then work with their partner casino to rape you)


To prove to supposed ignorant victims and shills with faux outrage and filthy lying rhetoric about responsible gambling and industry moving in right direction (anyone who says that, has a heart as black as *****)...they demanded I prove that the casinos which do all of the above are actually cheating...lol. It's so ridiculous.


So I would prove it, show them, they would go "oh" and "oh my". I would get instantly banned for exposing corruption on player advocate forums. And the shills would quieten it all down, lie and cover it up, or just outright delete my posted evidence. It was very frustrating, but I was being stupid.


One week, after I trapped this shill player advocate with a heart way too black for *****, and had evidence to send him straight there, and I made the mistake of posting about it, and about the casino he promoted which stole $25,000 from me with no intention of ever paying, and I was posting a lot of evidence about it all...I was sent a very scary real life "SHUT UP" message, to my front door at 7am one Saturday morning.***


*** You ever wonder why a casino who you can give your ID to, ALSO needs your address? lol. What possible reason could they have for demanding your RECENT physical address, where your children sleep at night? Only your money is ever at risk. They refuse to gamble until they receive your cash. All the risk is yours, NEVER theirs. They don't even pay the winnings, if you win more than a token amount. And yet, they claim they need RECENT address, where you and your children sleep at night, or they will steal YOUR money, and everyone will say "well you should have given your address" - the player filthy SCUM advocates will call you a fraud for not giving your address. And ban you if you ask on their forums: "WHY? WHY WOULD THEY 'NEED' MY ADDRESS, WHERE MY CHILDREN SLEEP AT NIGHT? NAME ONE POSSIBLE REASON WHY! They have your passport ID scan. Why a recent address?


I'll tell you why. I still have the scars from why.


But I deserved it. I was stupid. Trying to help people who think that it's a tough spot to choose who is telling the truth when:

1) one side is not gaining from them, has nothing to gain, is not selling anything, and is spending money providing evidence which is irrefutable. lol....or...

2) one side is gaining from them, has a lot to gain from the lie, is selling to them, and spending money only to hide any chance of transparency.


geez. Tough dilemma.


I deserved the scars. I was stupidly trying to help people too stupid to be helped. I'm just lucky it wasn't worse.




As for blackjack and cheating, it's overly simplistic to use generalisations. Without getting into a big lecture about it, I'll just make a couple points:


1. Just because you're not being cheated with one casino using one software, doesn't mean the software is safe. Another casino with that software might be cheating you really badly.

2. Just because one software might be - in your opinion - 'safe', doesn't mean the many other software modules are safe.

3. Just because one form of blackjack game might be safe, doesn't mean other casino games that casino offers are safe (whether blackjack, table games, or slots or VP or w/e).

4. And this is probably the most important one:...just because you wager for a long time at $1 / hand and believe it is safe, doesn't mean $2 a hand is safe. It doesn't mean your bets at $5 or $10, or $50 a hand are safe. Or all safe. It's idiotic to think in fixed terms. Everything is variable. Everything is fluid. Anyone trying to frame it in simplicity is cheating you. FACT. It doesn't mean your bets at $100 a hand are necessarily safe. Let alone $250 a hand, $500 a hand or - as I was idiotically doing at times, believing in the inherent good of thieves - $1000 or higher a hand. Whether or not they're cheating at higher stakes, I cannot tell you with any degree of certainty. I can tell you what is likely and what my experience has been. What's likely is that they're cheating at high stakes so badly, their greed is getting the better of them. That has been my experience as well.


And I'm too lazy to collate all my SINGLE account's evidence for Betfair Blackjack Zero, and Betfair (lol) understandably are too lazy to manipulate my life history of play in order to give it all to me in one embarrassing for us both, block of data - so they ignore my requests / demands they give me my own HH' for life of account. But here is some lying around I found...I'm something like 150k maybe more down at Betfair Zero BJ. Playing perfect to Wizard of Odds BF Zero card. Yeah maybe I'm just super unlucky. It's feasible. Every person I know who plays high stakes is also super unlucky. EVERY ONE OF THEM all just a bit or a lot unlucky. lol


Is Betfair Zero Lounge is rigged? I hardly care. In any case, why would I be expected to prove it, when proving it would cost me tens of millions? And why, and if you are one of the idiots who demand I provide proof, why idiot, would that be the question? Because you see, I actually can prove it's rigged, albeit with logic not with colours and data and numbers which can be manipulated / fabricated. I can prove it. Follow this logic.


The question is not "if you can't prove it, then it's safe". What are you, Catholics.


The question is "if Betfair cannot prove it's impossible to be even theoretically exploitable or manipulated, in any aspect or any way, then it is rigged". This is irrefutable logic. This is simple logic.


And no, betting $1/hand will not prove it's safe, and ANYONE who tries to sell you that lie, is in on the corruption 100%. Because no one, NO ONE, is that stupid that they cannot see a distinction between $1 and $250 or $500 wagers per hand.












ZERO Lounge. Indeed.


And I was saying Betfair Zero Lounge was suspect LONG before they went rogue and stole thousands of players' promotional winnings and even their deposits and balances. Huge mess. But good on Betfair. I'm serious. If people are so pathetic, they'll allow it, they deserve it. It's humanity. Too stupid to save themselves, too stupid to care about. And that's why I really don't post anymore, about casinos, online or off.

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I had purchased from disaffected staff at casinos evidence of corruption that you cannot - possibly - comprehend. I thought I knew all the dirty stuff, with all my conspiracy theories that weren't...theories, not at all. But I was wrong. The conspiracy theories are LOL. They are laughable compared to what the reality is. And because I was retarded in buying this evidence, I stupidly got myself into big trouble. So, I had to be genius. And I was. I destroyed it, from the face of the earth. Gone. Now I'm safe. I'm as dangerous to them on paper, as a rambling loon. Cannot possibly be a threat.


There are those who will be horrified at my selfish, callous self-preservation. I laugh at those people, and I despise them. And I cheer for the casinos and hope the casinos rape them good. Nothing is more insulting than demanding that others sacrifice themselves for you. I care only about me, and in a hypothetical where my caring was the determining factor in a battle between you and a casino for your wallet...sorry brohams, you'd lose your wallet.


Don't play, and they can't take your money. Once you play, I'm cheering for them. Because whilst they're evil, at least they're smart. And you're - at best - a pitiful selfish victim. Boo hoo.


gl gamblers. May the god who doesn't care about children getting raped, look down warmly upon your fortunes on the felt. lol


Oh, one last thing. Don't play progressives unless you're as retarded as I was. I say that from the position of someone who probably won 3.3 million progressive. At least, not a single valid reason has EVER been presented suggesting that I didn't. And a whole LOT of reasons presented suggesting that I did (if we count provable lies proffered as the 'evidence' proving I didn't, instead as evidence which pretty much proves that I won that *****). But whatever, I wouldn't want to make anyone angry with my rudeness at wanting to pursue it. It's a lot, after all. And I should just be polite and understand I really couldn't ever - win - it. If we're being sane. And we are, now. A close look on this website, might rustle up a clue or two ahem...


But what does any of this matter, in a world as ludicrous as this one. Where Americans think they have freedom and democracy, to choose between two polarising bobble-heads, who talk as if they're on opposing planets, and then govern exactly the same lol.

"Home in 6 months" = nah, surge + unjust war # Five ! woot. Change is coming to...Libya?! Awesome. American-killers, the Jihadists who went to Iraq to kill US invaders, suddenly are freedom fighters, with a 5 % mandate to overthrow a popular cult leader, backfires and oh *****...oh phew, carrier groups and NATO and Mirage bombers and nuclear submarines volleying Exocets into a nation which has never attempted to invade anyone (which is sick, and sick for Gadaffi and sick for Obama, and sick for Sarkozy and sick for Cameron and sick for the world). There was a nation which needed humanitarian invading....a lazy hour south over the border. Or have you not heard of Darfur? Or genocide? Or aware of what happens when raped women and children rudely run their heads into machetes, blunting them - and requiring some hacks for good measure.


This is the world we live in. A world of slaves. Too stupid to save. Too stupid to live. I don't want to kill them. But what can I do, save them? hahah. You save them. Last guy that tried to save them, was so stupid he couldn't see how he was setting them up to be raped by Vaticans and boy fiddlers and whatnot. He entrapped them with idiotic Trojan horse prisoners dilemma retardation. As a rule for life! A Golden Rule which, if you are stupid enough to buy into the scam = YOU'RE SCREWED.


"Do Unto Others, As You Would Have Them Do Unto You."


Shiit. Hey Jesus, Messiah, omnipotent one, this is Jonny, long time listener, first time caller, big fan...hey um, don't you think that is setting suckers up for a bit of Platinum Rule molestation?


Jesus: "duhhh what that be?"


Oh um you know the Platinum Rule? Right?


"Get Others to Do Unto You, What They Would Like You To Do Unto Them. Then you laugh, and dance, and do whatever the freak you want to them."


Jesus: "love will conquer all. My followers will negate the risk of that."


Hmm, yes. Your followers. But you're not followed by all, or even very many. Or even by Christians. Are you?


Jesus: "I have 1 billion disciples who yearn for the Kingdom of Heaven"


Hey man that's cool. Big ups to yall. But lol the Kingdom of Heaven is where they will quickly be, if they follow your Golden Rule in a world that trades in Platinum optimality. But then...you have LESS than 10,000 disciples. You don't have 1 billion.


Jesus: "I have 1 billion man!"


No man, you don't. You stated what was required, you senile twit. "Forsake all ye hath, or you cannot be my disciple?" you can't remember that? Pretty clear cut.


How many of those 1 billion have forsaken all they hath? And are now your disciples? If it's 10,000 I swim to the Kingdom of Heaven. And I hate swimming.


Anyway tight world. You'll are screwed. So am I. But I'm screwed by the stupidity of yall. So...I forgive you, even though you haven't apologised. You should, by the way. But whatever.





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