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Everything posted by Richdun66

  1. Hi Chris I replied to original email sent by them and also [email protected] i think it's just a matter of time i think they have a vast amount of accounts to deal with so just a case of waiting it out good luck!
  2. Hi all well last week i finally after 9 weeks of no response whatsoever got an email from them the monies went in my bank today so I emailed them again asking to check records as I knew it wasn't right i was absolutely shocked to get a reply less than 45 minutes later stating that they have found further deposits to refund to me to have found this so quick leaves no doubt that they are trying to get away with refunding people short of their total deposits a blatant disregard for players and ukgc rulings
  3. Well it's now 6 weeks since original email and no response whatsoever to my emails pretty poor not to even send out automated response let alone an email to say this is taking a lot of time bear with us I've been looking through bank statements lots there that I am unsure off could do with a list of payment methods cassava sites have used if anyone has them
  4. Madmonkeyfun glad you have at last got some monies refunded still no news my end despite numerous emails since 1st June to all 3 points of contact not even an automated response pretty poor in my opinion also a shame that they didn't advise in original email that this would take some considerable time to process still it is cassava after all lol will continue to wait and see what happens
  5. Madmonkeyfun,still no response email wise I did phone one of their sites tho an was told my mails have been received an they are working through them in order of receipt i sent my original email on the 1st June so for me to still have had no contact there must have been literally thousands of others who replied before me so just a case of waiting for them to work there way round by God this is going to cost them !!!
  6. Madmonkeyfun,I have sent to bingo an casino several times all details included also asked for acknowledgement have now just sent to operations so will post again if I hear anything back fingers crossed
  7. After nearly three weeks I still have not had any response from them even though i have sent numerous emails makes me wonder if it's on a selection basis good luck to those that have had a response an those who have had a payment
  8. I too have had this email and still awaiting a response from June 1st i phoned wicked jackpots this morning who said that bingo security have had some technical difficulties and that they are working through all emails received so it's just s waiting game I've signed up to a few in the past and am keen to know the amount to come back here's hoping
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