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Everything posted by Amyec25

  1. Thanks mad monkey hopefully they get back to you should do as I was getting frustrated just not having a reply I got 204 but that is nothing compared to how much I spent over a few sites but 204 better then nothing I just feel if there told to refund it should be the full amount as I did exclude myself but after opening different accounts they shut them down after I made these deposits and not returned any .
  2. I have finally received a email well several about self exclusions but one with a refund amount which is good but tbf I spent alot more then what there saying on different sites some not mentioned aswell so reckon there just doing min is moon games apart of this as they blocked me on that after weeks of using it but haven't confirmed this was one of them .
  3. I have received this email iv emailed them back on the 1 June and have sent a few emails but not had one back at all it is really frustrating you send what they ask but ask for more info and they completely ignore all emails I have opened a few with two different emails but only had one email with one of the emails wonder if they put all together just one reply to no they received NY info would be nice
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