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Everything posted by nicole1983

  1. Thats correct and now i am fighting only and wil paid a lot of money to get the truth . People here in the netherlands wil help me and my story is already in some local newspapers and thats the beginning. I wil never stop even it wil cost me 100.000 euro to find the truth. I wil leave now because for you people from ask gamblers are other things important .Things like show me your screenshot. So many reviews from me are removed . Even on esquilito explosivo. Its look likes when a player hurts a provider or casino you people are on tilt. No problem because i think the casinos who ask gambler rate high wil paid all cost for this site. Otherweis i cant understand why i cant tell the truth. I was so wrong to think that this site wil help gamblers. You can closed my account here i dont care. Remember my name and once you wil see that i was right all the time.
  2. Dear gamblers, Let me tell you my story for the last time. Think very good if you want to spend one euro to online casinos. When you win everything is fine and when you lose its bad but if you lose hunderds of deposits only to play one game nobody help you. Companies like every matrix and mga dont listening to you even when you send them hunderds of emails. Ask gambler wont help you because there is nothing what they can do. Casinos take only action when you win big becuse thats a reason not to paid out because there is a bug into the game. That i lost more than 50.000 euro on one slots game with not once a possibilty to withdraw is to sick for words. I earn a lot of money each month because of my job and for me its a little bit money to lose but the fairness of slots games is the biggest fairy tale. Words like random makes me more and more sick. Companies like every matrix and mga are fake and believe me they are not real. They wont reply you !!!!!!!!!! If i used words to hurt them even than no reply. These companies are not real for sure. How can you bring a slots game on the market who steal day in day out with not once a big win. believe me if you lose and think this cant be real nobody wil help you. Welcome in the biggest cheating industry ever
  3. With all respect i dont care. I lose in a few days in each casino what other people never earn in one month with their work. So i write whatever i want and if you dont like it closed my account. i am done to defend myself how i feel myself on these casinos. Videoslots what i wrote is terrible. Not only this game esquelito explosivo but all the games what i play. I am not the only one who wrote that you cant win their. I am not the only one who wrote that they only reward on the first deposits or do you think that i get 10 free spins on 0.01 cent and get 0.37 cent back with no wagering. If you bring 4500 euro in 8 days and get 10 free spins as a reward !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If i win of course i write a good review. I rate this casino with 4 stars and not one so i cant understand why you had enough now. Lets see if you lose thousands and thousands every month if you wil write positive reviews. Good luck with it and this wil be my last post so dont worry i am not came back anymore. Take care
  4. Great story Afi and i must agree you are right. You told 300.000 and who knows it wil be a big party when i deposit that amount. Today 850 gone so 299.150 and its party time. Videoslots casino another nightmaire. This casino is really funny. I thought finally a good casino with a lot of rewards. Yeah right only the first two days and after that nothing. All the time these stupid pictures. Its look like a child casino with all these pictures. Thats what i hate again that this casinos like the most of them wil do everything to make you happy and after a few days complatly nothing anymore. I cant proof it because all the casinos used the same software but in my eyes their are Always casinos whatever you do and try nothing and some casinos who Always the same who give more than others. Today it was mission impossible again with my favorite game explosivo all the casinos. Two deposits and again nothing but your words give me some hope.You told me and i know once this game wil be hot. Now for 4 months almost every day nothing but who knows if i deposit 299.150 euro it wil be happy new year Christmas and jesus wil show himself to me. Hallelujah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. Lol i am sorry Afi. To be honest my english is terrible and i dont know how everything is working here. I am blond thats why. Believe it or not but i play also whole nights that terrible game and i think its not important who deposit more or play a long time. I lose so much money the last few years that i can buy a big house for all of that. I dont care because i do the things what i like. Only maybe i am a bad loser but most of the time i see things that cant be real. If i steal i go to jail en providers can do whatever they want and when i ask things i wont get any reply. I am so sick of these standard answers from the book by the chat in a casino. Nicole its random honey . What i really hate that i see by ask gamblers by complaints there are casinos who wont paid out because their is a bug in the game. HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Players who deposit a lot of money and finally they win a big amount and the casino told them there is a bug in the game. What i mean with this if i lose thousands of thousands of thousands of thousands of euros on the same game day in day out than they game is working just fine. Of course there is no bug in the game because the casino win so everything is fine. If i ask how it is possible when they look on my game logs that in more than 300 spins my highest price was 5x my bet i get to heard again its random. If i show them that i get 89 spins after eachother not one price again its random. If i told them that i make 58 deposits in that casino and not once i can meet the wagering of the bonus its random. So in my eyes when its random than it must be possible to get also 89 spins on a row a price. Than it must be also possible to win on all my 58 deposits but i know thats a fairy tale.
  6. I see that i send it twice little mistake
  7. Okay here i am again. I must said that Afi4wins is completly right. I am out of control because i have only one mission to win some money on this game. He is right that in the past this game was good for me a few times. But here we go esquelito explosivo has since a few months a new update in the game. The game is a lot slower and little things are changed. Since the new update what i do what i try NOTHING!!!!!!!! Two days ago 500 gone yesterday 400 gone and the must funny part is that today i deposit 250 euro and play only bets from 0.50 cent. Again nothing. I read the post from Afi4wins and its really funny what he wrote that i try that before i read his comment. Also i still believe that once this game wil paid back but when ?????????????? I am a very strange person i know. I did the same with starbust play that game every day lose tbhousands and every time i thought today it must be better. All other slots games i dont care when i am on a mission. Money is not relevant anymore. I want to proof to myself that i am not a idiot.. When i read later what i wrote i must agree that i am a idiot but thats how i am. I am in a position to deposit whatever i want to proof to myself that it must happen to win 5.000 as a minimum. Afi4wins i must agree you are right in a lot of things. The only thing i am not sure if you play more hours on thunderkick games than me but this is not so important. Again i wrote an email to thunderkick. And again i am sure that i get no reply
  8. I want to say goodbye to all of you because i wont come back here anymore. I am very dissapointed in ask gamblers that they wont help my with my issue. In every casino i fight on chat over esquelito explosivo. I really thougt that ask gamblers wil help gamblers with their issues but i was wrong. Evidence and other things what is impossible for me as a player to get. If i told that i deposit over 30.000 euro in many casinos witth playing only that game is for some reason no evidence. Every casino is helpfull with all my deposits and they are always happy if i make a few deposits a day. The funny part is when i complain over the software no more help. Casinos hate issues and wont help with my issues. Of course i cant stop playing this game but thats not the issue on the moment. Online gambling is more and more sick and casinos think only on gamblers their deposits and never with some issues. Even that ask gambler cant help me is in my eyes to frustraded to understand and thats why i wont come back here anymore and tell my story to dutch magazines what online gambling is. How sick can people from a chat from a casino to tell me that this game is random when i show my game log every time. People from chats are really believe in fairytales and can give only standard answers from the book. Only when i deposit 750 euro than of course their are very clever and know for every question an answer,
  9. Let me tell you this Cocopop . Yesterday i make another three deposits from 300 each. And again COMPLETLY NOTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i cant speak with my heart otherweis ask gamblers wil closed my account. But i know for 100% sure that this scam provider is illegal with this scam esquelito explosivo. And i know why. Since this game get an update a few weeks ago this game give nothing anymore. I am sure that its been manipulated rigged and cheating. I want to ask to ask gamblers is there a way to check this game. For example 100 spins on 3.00 my best result was to get back 224.80. In 24 times that i played 100 spins not once i get more than the 300 what i bet. The reason why i play this game day in day out is that i think that once this game wil go on tilt because every day its giving nothing. I did the same with the other scam slots game starbust for weeks and also impossible to win some money. Every time a lot of spins completly nothing or the minimum price. I think that each provider bring a slotsgame on the market what give nothing. Now i understand why all casinos give those stupid free spins on starbust. The biggest scam to bring gamblers on their casino. If you get 100 spins on 0.01 you must be very Lucky if you win 6 euro. One thing i know for sure,. Its really the biggest fairy tale to think that all slots games are random. I know this from my own experience. I think that there are not so many gamblers who make so many deposits like me in a week. I am sure that ask gambler cant do nothing to check this game but i can try. Now i am done with this cheating slots game. Cocopop 3011 can you tell me which games with your experience are the best to get more than 100 times your bet sometimes. I know dead or alive in one of them.
  10. Yes cocopop thats correct.
  11. In a few days for my work to sweden and believe me i wil visit the company from thunderkick. I wil bring all my details and wil ask them how its possible to lose thousands of thousands of euros with completly nothing. Esquelito explosivo today 4 deposits from 500 and again completly nothing. Its almost impossible to get in 100 spins on 3 euro 150 back. These cheating game must be family from the other cheating game starbust. Lets see what these Swedish peopel would tell me.
  12. Thank you Awena for your kindest words
  13. I dont know why but thanks. The only reason why i told that i am a model is that otherweis gamblers think i make jokes over my deposits. Maybe now ypu wil understand that for me its more easy to make a lot of deposits. This is finally my first withdraw this year of 10.000 euro by a really good casino. Lv bet casino is really the best ever. Not because of my winnings but believe it or not in one hour my documents approved my withdeaw processed and it was on my neteller account. This casino must get a 10 and not a 6
  14. Okay if this is so important hereby my picture.
  15. Unbelievable finally i win some money. I play dead or alive and get two bonus rounds , The first one 3425 euro and the second one 7980 euro. My balance was 12.800 euro. The funny part was that i try again starbust and reel rush and esquelito expkosivo and again complatly nothing. In my eyes starbust and reel rush and esquelito explosivo must be blacklisted. But 10.000 is a nice withdraw. Finally a little bit back
  16. First again i am really sorry for my bad english. Second i try to give answers on the questions from cocopop3011. First i want to tell that some other people on this forum think that i have a big problem with gambling. Yes its true that i lose a lot and yes its true that its frustrading me. But everything what i wrote is the true what i deposit. I see here a lot of gamblers who deposit 20 euro and for some reason they are Lucky. I get advice to stop gambling directly otherweis i cant paid my bills. Let me tell you that i am a fashion model and earn a lot of money every month. Of course it isnt the best idea to lose a lot but believe me dont think i get problems. Yes i take Always in every casino the welcomebonus and when a casino give a second deposit or third deposit bonus i take them too. when the welcomebonus is not available anymore i wil take another casino. Thats why i have more than 100 accounts in more than 100 casinos online. You ask me odf the minimum bet of 1.50 and yes with 400 i wil start with 1.50 as a minimum but most of the times i start with 2.00 euro each spin. I know its a risk but in my eyes if you deposit 10 times at least two times you can play for a while. When i take the bonus its Always bonus+deposit or 50x bonus. If i make withdraws on big bets??? NO thats mission impossible. All kind of software are cheating on high bets. No more bonus rounds and when you got finally a bonus round the money wil be the same in the bonus round if i bet 50% each spin lower. On high bets for some reason its normal to get plenty of spins not one price. How many times i see on a bet from 7.50 each spin a bankroll from 2.000 gone in no time. When i go to the toilet and i am back a few hunderd gone. So thats why i place as a maximum bet 5.00 euro each spin. On netent games for 100% game over and all gone. Normally with thunderkick games in my eyes is the only software were it is possible to win big. Only since i start playing by these 24 casinos what i told everything changed. Bad luck is one thing and i have no problems to lose a few 1000 but it wil be nice that one deposit wil give me the chance to meet the wagering. The reason why i wil take Always a bonus is very simple. I try many times without a bonus but than i am done in no time. To be honest i dont believe in higher powers but sometimes i get the idea that here in my house there is some higher power or something who let me lose Always. I know its sound stupid but otherweis i cant understand this. So many people make withdraws if i look here on ask gambler. I try everything to deposit with a bonus without a bonus but for some reason Always gone. I am gambling since i was 18 years old in casinos here in the Netherlands and since 8 years in online casinos but my god online casinos
  17. Here am i again with another topic. I play 24 casinos under the same domain group that sounds white hat gaming under white label. Cainos like diamond 7 casino amsterdams casino goldspins.com etc etc. All these casinos offer 200% or 150% or 100% and some casinos offer the first three deposits a minimum of 100% bonus. I wrote in other topics that i hate netent games because i lose day in day out. With thunderkick software i was more Lucky. Some good withdraws and of course also plenty of times losing but thats gambling. In four months time i play all these 24 casinos under the same domian group. I know you can win or lose but what i see here cant be real. I deposit Always 200 euro and get a minimum of 100% so i wil start with 400 euro. In these 24 casinos i make 89 deposits from 200 euro 17.800 euro and with a minimum of 100% bonus i play with 35.600 euro. Believe it or not but i play only esquilito explosivo in all these 24 casinos. Not once i meet the wagering. Not once i can withdraw 0.01 euro. I know lady luck is not with me because i lose a lot but i earn good money but with all respect this cant be real. When i complain i heard by chat i can see that you are unlucky. We offer you 10 euro to try your luck again with a max win of 50 euro. I am not blame them with these offer but what a joke is that. I want to take action to this domain group but i dont know what to do. If i write to the helpdesk from thunderkick they wont reply me on my emails. Are there gambler with the same experience like me who playing under the same domain group? Todat was the biggest scam ever to start with 400 euro on a bet from 1.50 and in 100 spins i get 17 euro !!! playtime was 1 hour and 7 minutes all gone. I hope that some gamblers can tell their experience under this white label casinos. Thanks
  18. Yes i know Valdes but you know just like me that the chance to get 5 on every line is almost mission impossible. Thousands of spins i try but never i get it. I know you must be Lucky but maybe i must try lower bets each spin. You know what is so funny on netent games ??? When you play in the fun mode on a bet from 100 euro each spin Always its gone in a few minutes with completly nothing. When i try other providers in the fun mode and play 100 euro each spin i can play a lot. But maybe once things wil be different.
  19. Thank you for your kindest words
  20. You are right people. Like i told before i am a fool. For some reason i must play netent games and when i started i am sure that i wil lose. I cant explain it why i did this. I understand that there are a lot of player who win with netent. Dont understand me wrong and with all respect but once i wil happy if i see a review from a player who win big on netent games. With big i mean something like 5.000 and more. I try it for years now and believe me i deposit big every week but what i did and what i try and which netent game i play impossible. I hope once that i can give an explanation why i still play netent games.
  21. Thanks to parklane casino who not gibe me the game logs its hard to proof what happen to me this time. My balance was 1580 euro what i won on thunderkick games. Than i try again starbust on a bet from 2 euro with speed. 800 euro gone in 45 minutes with not once two stars. Highest price was 45.20 euro. So many times 30 spins after eachother not one price. After that my blance was 780 euro and i try reel rush on a bet from 3 euro each spin. This game was to sick for words. My record was in 71 spins to get 9.40 euro back. I forgot how long it takes when my whole balance ws gone but it was really fast. Every time on euromoon casino parklane casino when i play netent games Always gone. I fight here many times to tell my story and a lot of people are disagree with me but there is really something wrong. Not one provider is so terrible to eat money like netent. I know i am a idiot to play this software and its my own fault but come on now people this cant be real. How is it possible that this provider cant do this so many times. Off course omn low bets like 1 euro everything wil be fine but on higher bets Always the same program. The only reason that i write this is to warn people to place high bets on netent games. I think every time this time it wil be different. Forget it. Its really strange that for example on esquilito explosivo thunderkick software i can place bets like 3 euro each spin when my balance wil be 300 and play hours. By netent with 800 euro almost every time all gone. On reel rush in 300 spins not even a bonus round. To sick for words but again i am a fool and can blame it only myself.
  22. This wil be my last message ever here because all the fun is gone. On line gambling is the <snip> ever, I thought that i have seen everything but today i broke all records. On a bet from 5.00 each spin 114 spins not one single price. This is <snip>. For months almost a year i bring everey week money. I know for 100% that online gambling is <snip>. Bonus rounds is never be the same like a few years ago, I know that there wil be some people who think i tell fairy tales but i know its the truth, This is to sick for words and cant be real. What is so funny that i see on complains against casinos here that there a lot casinos put the withdraw in a hold if the gambler win big to investigate there game log. Some people waiting for weeks and ask ask gamblers for help. If i complain by support that the game that i play there is something wrong Always the same answer, Its random. Very strange that when people win big they wil look on it and let the player wait for weeks. With other words if you win big they let you wait and when you lose a lot everything wil be fine. Bad luck is one thing but losing all the time is another thing.
  23. I am so sick of people who think that i complain and must stop playing. The only thing what i ask is if other players feel the same like me. Of course i can stop playing but the problem is that i like gambling. The money is not so relevant because i am not a idiot and understand that 9 of the 10 times you wil lose. Some people like drugs some people like to drink and i like to gamble. The only thing is that i get the feeling that every year its harder to withdraw some money. I learn my lesson and dont play high bets anymore because all online casinos cheating on high bets. So now on low bets like 1.20 or 1.80 even the same program.
  24. Hi gamblers, I want to ask if i am the only one who lose for months now? Which kind of software i play only losing day in day out. I wrote some topics here over netent software what is in my eyes the worst ever but now microgaming thunderkick playtech is also mission im possible to win some money. To start with 400 euro on a bet from 1.20 each spin i am Lucky if i play 2 hours. I cant even remember when the last time was that i win more than 200 euro . Even to completed the wagering for the bonus is a long time ago. Of course you must be Lucky because its gambling but to lose every deposit with no fun is really strange. Maybe the devil is inside me thats why i ask to other gamblers if they make some good withdraws the last few months. What i do what i try low bets high bets nothing helping me. I know my english is really bad but i hope that you gamblers understand what i mean. Every casino is the same joke. if you get finally a good price the first 100 spins nothing so the good price is gone. Bonus rounds it look likes it wil be more terrible to get it every week. Every time i heard bad luck and we have a lot of winners every day. Three friends of mine playing also a few times a week and they can only deposit and deposit and deposit just like me. I play for many years and i see that every year its harder and harder to make some deposits in a year. When finally you play a few hours and go to bed and win some money Always the next day everything gone with completly nothing. Its look likes there are some security levels so its impossible to win again. This story what i tell i want to know if this story happen to a lot gamblers or am i the most unlucky player ?
  25. Hello people, After losing 9.000 euro in two months and send many complains to support and after one reply they wont give me any reply. I cant understand that this casino can go on like this. I know that the most casino s with blackjack are cheating but pokerstars is the biggest cheater ever. This fake casino give the dealer every four hands a ace. When the dealer get a 10 Always a 10. Player on 12 Always a 10. Dealer on 15 and 16 75% a low card. Player on 15 and 16 Always busted. Player doubles against 5 or 6 from the dealer most of the time losing. For some reason dealer get 5 and 6 and10 and this wil go on and on. I was so stupid to think once i wil win some money back but that is mission impossible. if you play stakes like 5 dollar sometimes it wil be normal but over 10 dollar the cheating manipulating stealing program started. How the hel can they talk over random. Its very easy to lose 15 hands after eachother but to win 5 hands after eachother is almost mission impossible. So many times when you doubled a low card but here we go again than i think dealer started with a 6 and yess a 10 and a 4 or 5 ALWAYS. I hope that i help some people never to play blackjack on pokerstars with this information. I hope that once someone can explain to me how it is possible that casinos keep their lisence. How much money these sites wil paid to keep it is for 100% sure. If you try to play these balckjack software good luck but you wil lose everything believe me and good luck
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