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Everything posted by Carlmax

  1. No I don't work for Windows. I'd love to work for an online casino though
  2. Hey there, There's lots told about the topic. Even though I've read a lot about it, I'm still afraid I'll miss something. Do you think this article about <SNIP> covers all of it? Thanks
  3. I like the thrill too. Completely agree with you
  4. Hi there, Does the way an online casino looks have an effect on whether you play there or not? How you play there? I think the way you play at an online casino should be at least memorable. windowscasino.com seems to do the job for me. How does the design influence your gameplay? Thanks
  5. Hi I have a friend and she's looking to start playing casino. Now, she looked at a bunch of websites, and she does not like any of their UI. She's looking for a casino with a feminine touch to it, if you will. Now, it does not mean that men cannot play there. It just means that it's woman friendly. Every casino website nowadays has dark colors for example...do you know of any other casinos with other designs? I told her about the one I play at windows casino - they are different from the others, but she looks to make a list. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
  6. Thanks Any other ideas?
  7. Hi all, Here's an interesting question for discussion... Why do you think people play online casino or just casino at all? If you are at all in the mood for reading, here's an article I found on the issue <SNIP>. But I personally think its more because people would like to find out what's going to happen next and they like the adrenaline. What do you think?
  8. Hi all, I've been looking for some casinos that offer a little extra to the players. Something memorable for a nice game-play. I know there is Windows Casino. Their website seems smart (like I play poker, so they only offer me bonuses valid for poker, which I think saves a lot of my time) There are casinos that offer bonus auctions. Are there any other casinos with a unique program that you know of? Casinos that are different from others? Thanks
  9. Thanks Nevermind, I thought that these links go to the websites, but they go to askgambler reviews of the games. My bad
  10. ok duly noted. I just saw people inserting links, so I thought it'd be good to give an example and thanks for welcoming me
  11. I like Windows Casino games because they use Playtech software. This is where the сool graphics come in. And, they have updated their website - pretty neat I say
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