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bas145's Achievements

Newbie Gambler

Newbie Gambler (1/8)



  1. Thanks for the welcome! The terms and conditions on which the parties are contracting must be agreed by both parties and incorporated into the contract between them. Simply placing terms and conditions on a website is not enough to incorporate them into a contract: the parties must agree that they contract on the stated terms, and they must do so before (or at the same time as) becoming contractually bound. When dealing with customers of a website the seller must ensure that the ordering process requires the customers to read and agree to the seller's terms and conditions. I think its a generalisation to think that everybody knows that playing with a bonus automaticly comes with terms. My own experience is that terms tend to varied from casino to casino. For example ive been playing now for 5 years in online casino's. Last week i tried to withdrawl some 700 euro's from casino cruise. I got my money confiscated because of breaching the bonus terms. I made to high bets when using a bonus together with my deposit. For me it was the first time this happened. I also have a few problems with this. 1. I have never seen any proof of my suposidly misconduct. 2. Sure u have ure wagering requirements, i think everybody understands when getting a bonus its not aloud to withdraw it straight away.But I think Its unreasonable to expect people who want to have a good time to read a multiple page document with language only a lawyer can understand. 4. It is totaly unclear for me at which point i am using bonus money or my own money. I made three deposits in that session plus deposit and bonus go into one account. Why does a casino not simply turn of the bets that are not aloud? No they wait until i lose my money and if i win they confiscate and therefore give the casino another edge on top of an already big edge a casino naturally has. 5. Free spins and bonus money in this way become a liability. Take 5 free spins and if i dont watch out i get my money confiscated because of a breach in bonus terms. On top of this i think it doesn't create much trust in online casino's. A win is a win and losing is losing in my opinion. I dont want to end up in some legal battle if i might be lucky enough to win something. I ended my account with casino cruise because i lost my trust and just want to have a nice time.
  2. Hi, Today i saw a topic/complaint that got my interest. A casino won't pay a customer his winnings because a breach in bonus terms. The customer never accepted the bonus terms because he is playing on his iphone and simply doesn't have an option to accept the bonus terms. The casino says that the bonus terms are on the website and the customer accepted the terms in that way. I am curious what other players think about this case? I am also wondering how many players have there own experience with bogus bonus terms hiding in difficult and long bonus terms?
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