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  1. i guest they will give me just below 380 usually around 150 usd bonus
  2. how much they will give me bonus for this email http://prntscr.com/aqcmsn http://prntscr.com/aqcn84
  3. http://prntscr.com/9tiuf7 it is a joke and it is far away from funny ( one more it is prove the machine is never random / because it is tend to burden player ) so if you just have bad spins about 10k spins you are very lucky because to reach 258k spins and the machine hold xbet to negatif 3248 xbet it is miracle (previous worst negatif xbet is 3222) if someone have done report like this before, maybe i will never touch this machine Good luck to you all hope still able to do pay to play (hope you all have fun)
  4. http://prntscr.com/9pvs2k latest report ( after 1353 spins and possibility for next 325 spins to 255000 spins )
  5. by having a statistics i have clue of: I have clue that breaking worst records is a common (just to win more or exactly 100x bet can reach 8441 spins / and still have probability to exceed it in the future) If i do calculated for 10k i cannot have detail data ( but if i do it by detail to have for 10k data can be done by excel) What i pursue is hit 3000x bet ( it is just a myth or it is really exist) Definition of bad luck in casino?if hit 3000xbet with the bet 0.09 usd (win 270 usd) is a BAD LUCK What is the best word to describe if hit 3000xbet with the bet 90 usd (win 270000 usd) ? CASINO KILLER (will the machine bankrupting casino?it is not logical) What is the definition of doing 253k spins and the highest hit xbet is 763xbet? it is not funny (feel like the machine telling me "GO AWAY DON'T PLAY AGAIN THERE IS NO FUN HERE") The machine not totally random best spins cannot go minus while bad can go to infinity numbers If for 253k spins the negatif xbet go -3100 what will happen if doing 1 million spin? -12400k xbet if the payout is the same as doing 253k spins , what if go worst since breaking worst is a common in this game? hoping the machine will give you 4 times 5 wild inline inside the free spins feature when doing 1 million spins to settle down ? the negatif and positif xbet calculated in 5000k spins twice going worst for 5 in a row and best is just 3 in a row once (it is what i call not random) bad is -2512;-1952;-1762;-1738;-1596; (GOING WORST IS a COMMON) best is 1450 5 vs 1? http://prntscr.com/9o8wb4
  6. http://prntscr.com/9n2k2y for better resolution
  7. what will happen on the next 21k spins on "LADIES NIGHT" even if the best scenario cannot reach to positif xbet payout only 3000xbet can save the fun (i guest it is just a myth) for me it is luck to do this much spins although still not hit 1000xbet (5 wild in line) or 3000xbet( 5wild in line inside free spins feature) maybe it is already a miracle because before doing 379171 spins in 32red i also have done about 250k spins in Platinum Play (i hit 1000xbet here once) 32red customer support is the best they give me more than 1000 bonus to support me but too bet "Ladies Night" on their machine is too tough this is an excel of my calculation (worth my total loss) https://www.dropbox.com/s/b2m4k0hpyz60ok5/32redsofar.rar?dl=0
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