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Newbie Gambler

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  1. Serious Does anyone know what country Europlay Casino is based? I want to know first, maybe greet them personally or hire a lawyer and sue casinos for good. There seems to be a corrupt industry (casino industry) Everyone pays all to keep quiet and be able to operate the business. All involved Euro Play Casino, Curacao eGaming and Playtech. That's why no one responds to emails or other I think everyone should enter the online support anonymously and mock Europlay casino next to threaten them if they do not start paying benefits.
  2. Hey ! Europlay casino not paying my winnings. I have tried in every way but going nowhere. Euro Play Casino lie constantly about the payout. I know others who have been affected at Europlay Casino Is there anyone on Askgamblers who know how to go about getting their money ?????? Can anyone tell me what country Europlay Casino is based ???????
  3. The problem with the euro Play casino is that they have no explanation for why they do not pay. They just promise nothing happens. These people are psychopaths, they just drives people crazy with all their lies and promise. It would be interesting if you found out about the Euro Play casino economy, customers and their turnover. Where can you find facts about the company's finances and customers?
  4. ahanasyryoye, steverich has sent you a new personal conversation entitled "euro play thieves". steverich said: ====================================================================== Hi. I have had the same problem as you, £5000, 8 Weeks, no payment from Europlay. I have contacted Curacao Gaming commission by phone and they said it wasn't their problem! Since then I have sent 5 emails to Curacao GC, all ignored. Im stuck now! ====================================================================== Hi Valdes! I have given Euro Play Casino 5 weeks to pay my money I've lost. Euro Play Casino has promised me every day I have given Curacao E-Gaming 4 days. Not a single word from them. How many days do you think it is reasonable until you get the money ?? There are others who have been affected also who have emailed Curacao E-Gaming without answers
  5. Hi! I understand nothing if not Curacao Gaming Commission trouble? Whose problem is it otherwise? It is the Curacao Gaming Commission, which manages the license and supervision by Europlay Casino. I have also emailed to Curacao Gaming Commission with no response, emailed again today too. Begin to suspect cheating here, suspect the Europlay casino pays Curacao Gaming Commission to keep quiet, which in turn may continue to carry on their criminal activities, or the Curacao Gaming Commission involved too. Here they serve millions without risking jail !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! From which country is the Curacao Gaming Commission based? From which country is the Euro Play Casino based? Does anyone know a casino Journal (says a newspaper that writes about internet casino) that will receive the assignment and review the Curacao Gaming Commission and Euro Play Casino Who can stop the Euro Play Casino and the Curacao Gaming Commission from their criminal activities ??????????
  6. I still can not understand how to be powerless against rogue casino. Normally it has a debt to someone and do not pay then do the bailiff to recover a debt out of your assets and sell them and pay your debt. But rogue casinos can run wild without the risk either get rid of the license or damages. And continue to suck money without penalty How the ***** is it possible ???? Can anyone answer the question ????
  7. Hello Afi4wins and Valdes! Thanks for your replies. I have filed complaints AskGamblers.com and latestcasinobonuses.com current Europlay casino. But nothing happens because the Euro Play Casino unresponsive. I have also emailed to [email protected], who apparently handles licensing and monitoring out of the Europlay casino, but has not received a response from either. I didnt know the site Askgamblers before. I was on latestcasinobonuses.com before, there is no Europlay casino blacklisted. But my question can really do nothing? How is it allowed to a casino can rob customers without being punished? If you rob a bank, you get to prison for several years. Does anyone know how to proceed in order to stop these bandits? Something must be able to type police report, Europol or ???????? If we can do nothing, I will have to launch a casino and become a millionaire by tricking people and bask in the beach How can it be possible otherwise? Grateful for any suggestions on how to stop the Euro Play Casino (thieves) ????
  8. Hello! I won 3000 euros at Europlay Casino. I requested a withdrawal of 3000 euro 21 Oktober 2014. I am still waiting on my money. I have hatft contact with Europlay Casino over 20 times only via online support and each time they promise me money soon. Europlay casino never answers emails Europlay casino promise me again and again every week, every day, for a few hours. Do not worry, you will get your money, it's their quotes. Euro Play Casino is lying all the time, excuses, blames technical error all sorts of excuses. Is there anyone on the forum who can help how I should go about to get my money? Is there anyone else who has been affected and have received their money? Grateful for all the help I can get, help me stop the bandits! Ångra ändringarna
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