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  1. Hi Adebis Thanks for your reply, awareness never hurts and it might just make a little difference for someone not to end up in the same position. I do get totally frustrated with online casinos though. Another, secret slots, are giving me the run around on a payment of £960. They have passed their deadline for payment and extended it by a further 72 hours before they will respond with further information. No bonus involved in this but I guess there will be another reason, literally can't win, even when I do win. Thanks Ian
  2. Hi Guys I appreciate your advice and what you say makes sense. I have already stated that I will probably lose, in fact I am sure I will lose as a legal contract is just that. What I won't lose is raising awareness of this issue, I have sunk more cash into this than I would have liked but I guess this had just got hold of me. I have spent some cash on my website site disclaimer and, at the moment, have interest from a small local newspaper who like the story but want the websites to be running before they will print / discuss further. Online casinos are attracting a bad press and I'm sure I won't see my cash again but this is about awareness now. I know I am not the first person, and nor will I be the last, for this to happen to but I am getting traction on this issue, more than I previously thought. It is clear why the clause is there and yes I ticked the box that agreed to the terms. Now imagine, not saying this happened, that I was contacted by someone at Redbet who said "this goes on all the time" and they sometimes laugh when dealing with such issues. I am NOT saying that this has happened. However, I have got more traction than I thought I would and will continue with my pursuit. Thanks for the advice but I now have a lot more information than I thought possible and will continue on my awareness campaign. If the information continues to flow I am guaranteed a trip to Malta. Thanks Ian
  3. One more point, if I had rejected my initial deposit I would be fighting for 100% of my confiscated winnings, however, I did accept my initial deposit and on that point I will only pursue 50%. I can't abide unfair practices, legal or not, fairness should be a casinos uppermost priority any such clauses only bring online gambling a bad press. I know what I need to do and the more research I do the more I am learning. When my websites are up and running I will send you the links if you give me your private address as I am not allowed to post links onto this site. Regards Ian
  4. To All Just to clarify, these are not flimsy accusations but facts of truth. A casino introduces a clause, 7.2, which states that you can't gamble more than 5 euros on a bet whilst in the "wagering period" There are however no restrictions enforced on the game nor indeed any means of tracking where you are in relation to wagering requirements. Now, staff at ask gamblers have stated that this is legal but not necessarily fair!!! The only reason for such a clause, in my opinion, is to confiscate winnings if you breach this clause, which is easily done by the lack of enforcement or means of tracking. I am taking steps, and have already taken steps, to highlight this issue. Is it legal what they are doing, of course it is, is it fair, absolutely not!! I will fight this and it is costing me money, I may well lose this fight but my aim is to get 50% of the money taken as they did refund me my initial stake. In the process I intend to raise awareness and have invested in websites which are being developed and hoping to travel to Malta for a sit down with the regulator. Regards Ian
  5. Had 2150 euros confiscated by redbet casino due to a very flimsy clause in their terms. Save your money and play elsewhere. They did pay me some cash from a previous win but they will use their terms to keep you from your cash. Just don't risk it, please Ian
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