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Everything posted by Kidsoldja

  1. found this on yahoo thought id share. http://www.usatoday.com/news/health/2010-06-07-poker-drugs_N.htm?csp=34news&utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+usatoday-NewsTopStories+%28News+-+Top+Stories%29&utm_content=My+Yahoo
  2. This guy really must b stupid to do something like this http://www.fulltiltpoker.com/poker-blog/2010/05/1023-2010-wsop-4-seen-and-heard-at-the-series-4-banned-forever.php
  3. Never been a fan of punisher..lol..im a spidey and hulk guy
  4. i checked out the site....but honestly is this what gamblers really want? i mean somebody lookin for ***** goes to ***** sites and somebody looking to play online plays on gaming sites, it just seems to me their trying to do too much.
  5. Its pretty much now or never..cuz if they dont win it this year they ll never win it for another 2 decades probably
  6. your first post and your advertising here? lol
  7. what r u talking about? she is intelligent..shes a mathematical genius bro... she knows that 1 1/2 oz. vodka +3/4 oz. peachtree schnapps+1/2 oz. creme de cassis+2 oz. orange juice+2 oz. cranberry juice = ***** ON THE BEACH
  8. I Challenge you to a WHOREOFF!!!
  9. not much broo..little bit of this little bit of that lol
  10. thats just hilarious!!!! they made paris look like a junkie
  11. I thought the final episoded ended well..it gave all the characters a reasonable conclusion. even though there were still many questions unanswered to the islands individual mysteries. but hey you cant please everyone in a series finale thats for sure
  12. Im with spain all the way VIVA ESPAÑA!!!
  13. they say win a seat for life...yet "for life" under their terms is 20 years.. go read the fine print guys. I mean its still a great competition dont get me wrong.
  14. Anyone here play on Everest poker? just wondering what your thoughts are of the site and the level of players, been playing there for a few years now, with a good win rate, the bigger sites i find are pretty tough to break into.
  15. Pokerstrategy.com is a good place to start as far as poker schools go as for online play, i started playing online poker at Everest.com then moved on to fulltilt and partypoker. on everest i found there were more fish so it was a bit easier to make money. the big sites can eat up beginners i find.
  16. favorite poker hand?? ....hmmmm i would have to say pocket KK i know your all thinking well why not AA, well the truth is iv had more success with KK than any other pp just for the fact that AK reraises with no hits on the flop have payed out big for me : )
  17. They are definately one of the best in the industry, ive been playing their slots for a couple of years now, every new release by them just gets better. definately next gen and groundbreaking stuff...
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