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Evollution's Achievements

Newbie Gambler

Newbie Gambler (1/8)



  1. ok GUYS LOOKS like my system really works : today i done session 2 and i won 90€ in 40 minutes http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XsOwcLW2erU&feature=player_embedded so ,if we recalculate our profits per month we get 40 minutes --- 90 € 2h ------------- 270€ 270*7 = 1890 €(per week) 1890 *4 = 7560 € looks better than yesterday Session 2 stats : Bets: 4 Bank: +90€ Duration: 40min
  2. I will post my result for next 7 days if system really works i will reveal my strategy if not ... this system was tested only on live mode
  3. Ok so i created a new strategy on roulette .. where i bet on numbers and so far i never loosed I will test this system for 1 week to see if is safe Today i played my first session and I won 54€ in 40 minutes .. yeah i know this are not a lot of money but if you do some math you get: 54€ -----40 minutes 160€ --- 2h 160*7 ==1120€ 1120*4 ==4480 per month So you can make up to 4000€ per month by playing 2h daily The system is still on beta so i will not reveal my system until i don't have the proof that is safe to play Here is the video proof for my first session I played for real money - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6h227Rvk4k4&feature=player_embedded
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