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Being-conned's Achievements

Newbie Gambler

Newbie Gambler (1/8)



  1. Can I change my login name (nickname) I use here? I prefer CyberGran, what do you think? Could I? Being-conned is no name for a lady of age
  2. Hello every one, I am new on this forum, don't know how and what to do. All I want is to write a review of some casino's that i have a exelent experience, inspite of other player with bad experience at that casino. My no 1 casino is Crazy Vegas, never had problems as long as I play there..no problems with cashout..if it's possible the same day of the apply of the withdraw if your ID doc are OK and at the Finance Department. Support Team is always be aviable 24/7 and nice, friendly, polite and TOP Agents. My no 2 casino is Royal Vegas, one of the first casino that learned me the do's and don't-s in the Casino world. Thank you Support Team always be 24/7 at your service. And now I have 1 casino add: Europa casino....To my feelings I have to wait far too long for my cash out...but this is the first casino that make a transfer in a weekend. CHAPEAU...Europa casino.... I do hope I do this right webmaster/administrator...if not..please excuse a lady of age... Being-conned
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