I was playing action spins on Whacked! when it froze during action spins. Not a rare occurance I think, happens from time to time. So I opened the game as usual expecting to see the bonus continue and so it did. The bonus continued as usual, but every time it was on a last bullet, it gave me the "oops, something went wrong" error. After refreshing a few times, the bonus continued, but the same error popped up every time the third bullet ran out. After 4 hours of refreshing the bonus was on 2500x and I contacted support, to see if they could see the end result or speed things up. Support said that they see the last resolved bonus buy result, but the current bonus is frozen, so I just continued with refreshing and continue bonus. Now the bonus is stuck on about 3000x and it doesnt seem to continue after hundreds of refreshes. So im fked now right? I dont see a way to even contact nolimit, since I have no idea what round I am even playing. So after buying thousands of bonuses on dead canary, misery mining and whacked without a good win I am scammed out of a good win? Now I am left wondering why I should even ever try to play these games...
Any advice? I cant see any information about the current bonus playing, and also the casino support seems to be totally useless