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Everything posted by qaism2023

  1. I simply asked the UKGC if this was a requirement under regulations which i know it is and just wanted to confirm as i did not want to complain knowing its just up to the casino to offer this tool as i know they do not get involved with personal disputes and cannot assist with compensation i appreciate your responses and will see where this goes as even on the terms of the casino it does not state they will not. I understand this issue if you would like to call it is not important it is these tools are there for you to use and as i said they are strict when they want to be but when the shoe is on yhr other foot they have no obligation surely they do and surely you can see that .
  2. Firstly that is what i am saying there was no pop up which we should have established from my first post and as i said no i did not really check my balance as i am comfortable with what i gamble and have "deposit limits" in place to control this i use gambling for entertainment rather than seeing it as a source of income. I utilise the reality check on all casinis and have never had an issue like this. Once my hour is up i will see what i have lost/won evaluate and make a decision. The fact is the tools are there for you to use i didnt try to circumvent they just didnt work. Also tbh im not here to be judged on what i did or didnt do or what you feel my agenda is here as i said i am simply seeing if anyone else has been in this situation and was wondering what the outcome was.
  3. I am not lying as the slot does not have a time limit on it as said previously i do not use loss limits furthermore games cannot show you what you have won/lost overall in a time period this needs to come from the casino. I simply came here for advise and dont believe i should be called out for being a liar which i am not. Im not going to argue with someone on an open forum and never would jump to conclusions like this on an open forum. Also just an fyi im not sure that feature even exists anymore since the UKGC stopped autoplay in all UK casinos.
  4. It wqs a blueprint gaming slot Luck O the Irish which as i said does not have one. Furthermore i check the casinos T&C's for the reaity check tool it only states losses will not be compensated if there is evidence i have tried to circumvent the system which i havent as they confirmed it is a technical error.
  5. Also this is a tool that is part of the casino and the game does not have a function for its own reality check
  6. I understand all of what you are saying and while i appreciate what you are saying loss limits is not something i have ever explored and have never had an issue before with any reality check system as it displays your duration bet won/loss amount. Ever player has a different method and yes the tools are there to assist you but if they are not working and a player is reliant on these this is an issue no? I will not mention the casino as i am going through a procedure with them. Also i contacted the UKGC and from there stanpoint they are happy to investigate this as per there license twrm this is a requirement and they have acknowledged this feauture is broken. This is not a case of trying to get a free roll but you have to understand some gamblers have set procedures in place good and bad omens and whil mine includes cutting losses when reality check sets in i actually would have been fine and better off. I am not at all worried about it but think it is rather unfair the casino can just get away with having a broken system whereas if it was the other way around i am sure they would do everything they can stick it to you like they do with the self exclusion palava. As i said im not worried about the money as i do set-up deposit limits and this is more to do with gameplay then loss limits. The reason j dont set them up and use the reality check function as it can limit you. You see if these tools are used properly and work you will always be in control. I have been using this method for a long time now and know my limits as i go by time rather than money.
  7. Hi thank you. No it's with them themselves and i have not set a loss limit however i believe this is another thing that should have been in place automatically like most casinos. However this was not the case i did not set one but the way i play i sort of use the reality check as a sort of alarm clock to show me how long i have been playing won/lost to evaluate my situation.
  8. Hi All, So i will not go into detail about this as it is ongoing but wanted to know where i stand. I was playing at a casino and decided to decided to utilise there safer gambling tools being "Reality Check" i did this as it would usually show what i have won/lost in the time i have played and could then evaluate my situation. This did not happen and the casino have confirmed it was a technical error. Now due to this i continued to play and lost and i feel it is not fair to have these tools in place and for the user to go out of his way and set the limits for them not to work this i don't feel is safe. I understand the user is supposed to be in control however physically setting the reality check would show that the user is and with the system failing to do what its supposed to surely that's the casino's fault and some sort of compensation is due? What do you all this i can do in this situation or what should be done. Look forward to hearing what you all think.
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