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Posts posted by IOI

  1. 6 hours ago, Afi4wins said:

    Agree...changing the bet size may change the result...and may also change the algorithm (either predesigned in the original program package, or overidden by an intelligent program during its operations)...but this doesn't show anything to your RTP+money earned theory...it could be betsize+algorithm instead. Know what I mean?

    Yeah... but i also think there is a difference on some sites.

    From experince i have noticed the local site to my country have never payed more than 3k while popular worldwide based casino payed me 14k once, despite the fact i play more on the local site on the same slot.

  2. 3 minutes ago, Afi4wins said:

    What I have been hinting all this time is that the payouts from games are now being controlled/regulated/manipulated (whichever is the case) by newer programs such as Artificial Intelligence. This blardy self-learning intelligence gets better with time and is changing how payouts are being dished out by the games...huge wins are being broken up into several smaller wins, so the final RTP is not changed at all.

    Note that certain huge wins cannot be broken up into smaller wins, like getting 5 Scatters or many Wilds in the free spins with a Multiplier for example, so these wins would eventually occur when the time has come.

    Well slot providers dont actually show the coding to the public.

    What is 100% certaint is that you will not have the same result if a 0.1 bet is changed to a 100 bet.

    So changing the bet changes the algorithm.

  3. There is a lot to reply to here.
    I’ll just make a quick post to explain.

    The image is theoretical.

    Rtp does not matter no.
    Rtp might be the same on billions of spins but,
    The slotmachine uses rtp+money earned to determine payout.
    So it works like a wave that moves upwards where the winning chance on «big X» gradually increase on bigger bets.
    «This is only noticeble on bigger bets»

    As an experiment:
    Try a local small country online casino and do a 1000 spins on maxbet and then compare it very popular internatonal one with the same rtp and same machine.
    100% of the time the bigger wins will always be on the popular one.

    if i have the cash in the future i will make an youtube video to show it off.

  4. When a online casino host a slot tournament, where does the money come from?
    Lets say a slot has been stated to have 96%rtp and the casino wants to withdraw money from slots to pay tournaments.

    Does the money come from the 4% profit that the casino makes or does it come from the 96%?
    If it is the case that the money does come from the 96% that means the casino is in a way lying to the players about rtp.

    I posted something similar on another forum and the adminstrators became defensive saying that withdrawing money from slots to pay tournaments does not affect rtp.
    That might be true,  just because the casino ghost withdraws money from the slot dosent mean the actual algorithm changes.
    But the account tied to the slot holding the funds will become smaller.

    If the casino can just withdraw funds from the slots whenever they want who to say that they arent just putting the money in their own pockets.

    Another shady thing they could do is making accounts tied to the casino and just give themselves points to win some of the tournaments.

    I could be wrong and missunderstand how the slots work.
    If someone could explain the exact process how a casino makes money from slots and how the tournament process works i think the picture would become more clear to me.

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