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ChampionJ's Achievements

Newbie Gambler

Newbie Gambler (1/8)



  1. As i have now explained several times . This is my correct swift code . It is the same code that was used for previous withdrawl with no issues . I have checked with my bank twice now and confirmed i am inputting the correct details . I live in a rural town and my bank is our local credit union . I dont know what else i can do . Its now been nearly a week and i am still unable to access my winnings . Im left to one msg one reply at night due to the time difference which is also very frustrating . As the number you provide is not conected and chat are no help at all . My code is correct .
  2. Having issues yet again . Made a 1000 withdrawl request waited 3 days declined . Stated incorrect swift code . Checked with my bank checked my details i gave . No problems all matching all correct . Now left waiting another couple of days for approval . Wonder what the excuse will be this time .
  3. Hi thank you for your reply . I am left even more confused . The winning of the 8000 was done after all bonuses were played through . If this rule was applied to the bonuses played before winning the 8000. Why was the first 4000 approved . I am very disapointed with this . Your t&c are very difficult to follow and it seems makes it very difficult to win . Up until now i have enjoyed playing on your site and had thought i had a good understanding of what rules had to be followed which i had thought that id followed quite well. 4000 is not a small sum and for you guys totally wipe it from my account . I am very reluctant to continue to play now as it appears to me that i could play win and have yet another trival rule applied . I disagree with this decision and wish for the matter to be looked into again . I thank you very much for your reply as chat is no help and the email reply was pittyful . I have recorded interactions with chat stating the 8000 was able to be withdrawed . Two weeks of believing id won 8000 to have half of it taken away very frustrating. Thanks jade
  4. So i am extremely upset this morning after winning a amazing 8000 last fortnight (with no bonsuses) i started my quest to withdraw my winnings . As stated in the t&c you can only withdraw 4000 at a time . So i waited over 7 working days and finally received my first 4000 . Whilst waiting to funds to enter my bank account i put in the request for my next 4000 which removed this immediately from my account .whilst waiting for my next instalment of winnings i deposited numerous amounts and played . After close conversations with chat staff they assured me any bonsuses taken with my new deposits would no effect my pending withdrawl request so i played with bonsuses. Now this morning i have found my withdrawl request is cancelled . The 4000 is gone completely . When questioned through chat they state that when bonsuses were played if the bet was higher than 5 then they can make any winnings void . Now my argument is i was not playing with the 4000 at all . It was removed from my account when i requested the withdrawl . Chat representatives assured me it would not effect my withdrawl . 4000 of winnings is now gone for no apparent reason and im left trying to call a number that is not connected sending emails to a address that wont reply vice a versa . Chat representatives are no gelp the just keep refering me to to the email address. Im distraught . 4000 is not money i take lightly
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