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icau2's Achievements

Newbie Gambler

Newbie Gambler (1/8)



  1. In acordance with the terms of use please consider my plea and do something. As a user of your servicec i achieved profit of 384e on B-bets, and 3750e on 24 Bettle in last two months. I provided you with all the required documents which were notarized and i requested a withdrawal. While communicating with you i received conformations that the withdrawal was approved but there was never a payout and i was lied to the whole time. After some amount of time they came up with excuses to avoid a payout and they kept telling me that the my IBAN was wrong even though i provided them with bank statements which show all transactions and that there was no money income and that there were no payments from their side. In the end i was forced to formaly adress my bank with an email and to request a formal answer if there was any problem with my bank. I also contacted their ban which is Wirecard bank Germany. Of course they gave me the same answer that everything was okay and that there were no problems with them either. I habe all the chats and screenshots saved, i also have all the emails from the banks. The whole process lasted on b-bets from 15,.08.2017 and on 24bettle since 02.09.2017. A week ago i got the answer from those websites that they made a decision that all players from Serbia will be terminated and that only a deposit will be refunded. I complained to them but only result was return of the deposit. Here's their email I got; "Dear Ivica Due to the licencing regulations posed to us by the authority and laws, we are no longer to accept player's account residing in your country. Please note that your player's account is closed within our brand. Should in the meantime be any pending payouts from your end, do note that, in accordance to our general T&Cs we will be refunding you in the amount of the deposit made within your account. Any eventual remaining from the winnings will be waived. We do apologize for any inconveniences made, but since this is a regulation matter we are obliged to accept it as it is and act accordingl Have a nice evening Let us know if you have more questions, we are happy to help you! Sincerely, Liis b-Bets Support b-Bets" I thank you in advance with high hopes that you will greet me with ppositive news.
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