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Everything posted by iamreal

  1. Hey, Thank you Well, this is why i mentioned the White Lable solution.. This means that you pay 1 time for setting up your website with your desire providers games etc.. You are using 3rd party provider license as well.. All backend and support is handle by the third party provider.. At the end you are paying each month for fee | comission all you need to do is the marketing and gaining users.. Therefor, i asked if anyone is experienced | familiar with it ? tried ? knows good companies Hope someone can clear the picture Thanks
  2. Hello Guys, I'm interested with opening a White Label for Slots | Casino online gambling.. Wanted to here your experienced thoughts Is it worth it ? What needs to be prepared What are the best companies to work with ? I'm in the gambling industry for over 8 years.. and i want to start my own Much appreciated Regards
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