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nocolelol's Achievements

Newbie Gambler

Newbie Gambler (1/8)



  1. Yes i am . It must be nicolelol . Little mistake.
  2. All of you deserve a ice cream. Great job.
  3. Hello gamblers, i am a little bit worried over the provider Netent. Maybe i am unlucky but i see that when i place bets higer than 2.00 euro the game for example elements the aweking give complatly nothing. Two days ago i play elements and start witha balance from 1240 euro and play 2.80 each bet and i get two bonus rounds and thats it. Today i start with 880 euro and again i place bets from 2.80 euro each spin and nothing not even one bonus. When i play low bets like 1 euro plenty of bonus rounds. The same with starbust. On low bets enough stars but when i place higer bets like 3 euro end of story. This provider in my eyes cant give any good money on high bets. Maybe i am unlucky and other gamblers win also on high bets but in my eyes there is something really wrong with this provider.
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